What's new?

¿Qué hay de nuevo? / Quoi de neuf?

This section is where you can find out what's new every month.

Discover book reviews written by one of our contributors or a member of the Algo para Traducir team. The books that we review are penned by both English and foreign authors. Whenever possible we will review literature from each of these four sections; English literature, foreign literature, children's literature and classics.

Information about events and news related to the world of translation, publishing and the creative writing process will also be published here. This way we can achieve our goal of creating connections, a meeting place for wordsmiths.

Broadening horizons

Ampliando horizontes / En ouvrant des horizons

You can find reviews of books written by foreign authors here. Their books haven't yet been translated into Spanish but the team at Algo para Traducir want to support and encourage these translations.

Made in Spanish

En el patio de casa / En espagnol

Every Spanish-language writer will have their own little corner in their backyard, a suitable place to discover books published in the Spanish language which haven’t been translated into another language yet.

Bedtime stories

Cuentos para dormir / Contes du soir

Algo para Traducir wouldn’t be the same without dedicating a little space for children's literature. We can't forget about those beautiful creatures, eager to learn, thirsty for knowledge, who discover the world through reading. You will find books for children by both foreign and Spanish authors here.


Clásicos / Des classiques

Reviews of internationally renowned books are published in the Classics section. They may even be translated into other languages, coming from all corners of the world. They are classics because of their literary calibre, their worldwide success, their longevity or even because they are constantly studied.